Where is Condé sur Sarthe located?

Q: Where is Condé sur Sarthe located?

A: Condé sur Sarthe is a village near Alençon, in the Orne department in northwestern France.

Q: What is the meaning behind the name "Conde"?

A: The name "Conde" comes from the Celtic term Condate.

Q: How many people lived in Condé sur Sarthe in 2009?

A: There were 2,164 people living in Condé sur Sarthe in 2009.

Q: What is the highest point in the commune of Condé sur Sarthe?

A: The highest point in the commune of Condé sur Sarthe is 140 metres (460 ft).

Q: What river flows through the village of Condé sur Sarthe?

A: The river which is called "la Sarthe" flows through the village of Condé sur Sarthe.

Q: What kind of cheese is made in Condé-sur-Sarthe?

A: The Rustic cheese is made in the town of Condé-sur-Sarthe.

Q: What is the significance of the Monument of the Firing Squad Galochère?

A: The Monument of the Firing Squad Galochère, dating from 1944, honors the soldiers shot here during the Second World War.

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