What type of star is Aldebaran?
Q: What type of star is Aldebaran?
A: Aldebaran is an orange giant star.
Q: How far away is Aldebaran?
A: It is about 65 light years away.
Q: In which constellation is Aldebaran located?
A: Aldebaran is located in the zodiac constellation of Taurus.
Q: What is the average apparent magnitude of Aldebaran?
A: The average apparent magnitude of Aldebaran is 0.87.
Q: What does the name Aldebaran mean?
A: The name Aldebaran is Arabic and means "the Follower."
Q: What is the diameter of Aldebaran?
A: The diameter of Aldebaran is larger than 50 million kilometers.
Q: Was a planetary companion discovered orbiting Aldebaran?
A: Yes, a planetary companion was reported in 1993 and there is evidence for it in a recently accepted paper.