What is combat stress reaction?
Q: What is combat stress reaction?
A: Combat stress reaction is a medical problem that happens to some soldiers because of the trauma of war, causing both mental and physical problems, similar to acute stress disorder, and can often become post-traumatic stress disorder.
Q: What were some of the names it was referred to in the past?
A: In the past, combat stress reaction was called battle shock, war neurosis, or battle fatigue.
Q: Does combat stress reaction affect everyone equally?
A: No, combat stress reaction does not affect everyone equally.
Q: What are some of the possible effects of combat stress reaction on soldiers?
A: Combat stress reaction can cause soldiers to be very unhappy or can cause soldiers severe disability.
Q: When is the best time to address combat stress reaction in soldiers?
A: The acute (early) stage of combat stress reaction is the best time to keep things from getting worse.
Q: Where have soldiers in early stages of combat stress reaction been treated since World War I?
A: Since World War I, soldiers in early stages of combat stress reaction have usually been treated on the front lines - close to where combat is happening.
Q: Is combat stress reaction unique to soldiers?
A: No, combat stress reaction is not unique to soldiers, but soldiers are a group that is at high risk of experiencing it. Anyone who experiences trauma can be at risk for developing combat stress reaction.