Comarca Emberá

Emberá-Wounaan (often referred to simply as Emberá) is an indigenous autonomous territory in Panama.

The territory is inhabited by the Embera and Wounaan ethnic groups. It was founded by the Panamanian government by law no. 22 in 1983 from parts of the province Darién. The territory is almost completely surrounded by this province. The only other border is with the autonomous territory of Kuna Yala, which is also indigenous. The capital of Emberá-Wounaan is Unión Chocó.

Administratively, the territory now has the de facto status of a province, but is referred to as a comarca. Both the Emberá and the Wounaan are administered by local traditional caciques and also official representatives of the people - recognized by the Panamanian government.

The territory of Emberá-Wounaan is divided into two districts (distritos) and these in turn into a total of five municipalities:

  1. Cémaco: municipalities of Unión Chocó (capital), Lajas Blancas and Manuel Ortega (the eastern part)
  2. Sambú: municipalities of Río Sábalo (capital) and Jingurudo (the western part).

A smaller group of Panamanian Embera lives outside the territory on the Río Chagres in central Panama.

Flagge von Panamá

Provinces and indigenous territories in Panama

Provinces: Bocas del Toro | Chiriquí | Coclé | Colón | Darién | Herrera | Los Santos | Panamá | Panamá Oeste | Veraguas

Territories: Emberá-Wounaan | Guna Yala | Ngöbe-Buglé - without provincial status: Kuna de Madugandí | Kuna de Wargandí

8.53416666667-77.5416666667Coordinates: 8° 32′ N, 77° 33′ W - 2020 / 2023 - License CC3