What is a colubrid?
Q: What is a colubrid?
A: A colubrid is a type of snake that is a member of the Colubridae family.
Q: How big is the Colubridae family?
A: The Colubridae family is the largest snake family and includes about two-thirds of all known living snake species.
Q: Are all colubrids a natural group?
A: No, colubrids are not a natural group and many are more closely related to other groups than to each other.
Q: What is mitochondrial DNA research studying?
A: Mitochondrial DNA research is studying the familial relations within the colubrid group.
Q: Are most colubrids venomous?
A: Most colubrids are not venomous and are harmless.
Q: Can any colubrids produce medically significant bites?
A: Yes, some groups such as genus Boiga can produce medically significant bites.
Q: Where are the venom-injecting fangs located in venomous colubrids?
A: The venom-injecting fangs associated with venomous colubrids are almost always in the back of the mouth, in contrast to vipers and elapids.