What is a color wheel?

Q: What is a color wheel?

A: A color wheel is a circular chart that displays primary and secondary colors.

Q: What is the most commonly used color wheel today?

A: The most commonly used color wheel today is the HSV color wheel, which stands for hue, saturation, value.

Q: What is the digital form of the HSV color wheel?

A: The digital form of the HSV color wheel is the RGB color wheel.

Q: How is the HSV/RGB color wheel described?

A: The HSV/RGB color wheel is described as having two versions: one with red, green, and blue as primary colors (electronic/computer color wheel), and one with magenta, yellow, and cyan as primary colors (printer's color wheel).

Q: Where are the primary colors located on the color wheel?

A: The primary colors are located at the top of the color wheel.

Q: What are the primary colors on the electronic/computer color wheel?

A: The primary colors on the electronic/computer color wheel are red, green, and blue.

Q: What are the primary colors on the printer's color wheel?

A: The primary colors on the printer's color wheel are magenta, yellow, and cyan.

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