What is a codex?

Q: What is a codex?

A: A codex is a book-like object with writing on separate pages.

Q: How is a codex different from a scroll?

A: A codex is different from a scroll because it has separate pages, whereas a scroll is one continuous long document.

Q: What materials were used for writing codices?

A: Codices were written on vellum or parchment.

Q: How long can books last?

A: Books can last for centuries.

Q: Who first described the codex?

A: The codex was first described by the 1st-century AD Roman poet Martial, who praised it.

Q: When did the codex become as common as scrolls?

A: The codex became as common as scrolls by about AD 300.

Q: When did the codex completely replace scrolls in the Greco-Roman world?

A: The codex completely replaced scrolls in the Greco-Roman world by the 6th century.

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