Who is Saint Alberto Hurtado Cruchaga?
Q: Who is Saint Alberto Hurtado Cruchaga?
A: Saint Alberto Hurtado Cruchaga was a Jesuit priest who was canonized (recognized as a Catholic saint) on October 23, 2005, by Pope Benedict XVI.
Q: When was Alberto Hurtado born?
A: Alberto Hurtado was born on January 22, 1901, in Viña del Mar, Chile.
Q: What was Alberto Hurtado's profession?
A: Alberto Hurtado was a Jesuit priest, a lawyer, a social worker, and a writer.
Q: What is the Hogar de Cristo Foundation?
A: The Hogar de Cristo Foundation was founded by Alberto Hurtado, and it is a nonprofit organization that aims to assist vulnerable groups, including the homeless, the elderly, and people living in poverty.
Q: What was Alberto Hurtado called in Chile?
A: In Chile, Alberto Hurtado was popularly known as Padre Hurtado, which means "Father Hurtado" in Spanish.
Q: How did Alberto Hurtado die?
A: Alberto Hurtado died from cancer on August 18, 1952 in Santiago, Chile.
Q: When was Alberto Hurtado canonized?
A: Alberto Hurtado was canonized by Pope Benedict XVI in 2005.