What is Clervaux?
Q: What is Clervaux?
A: Clervaux is a commune and town located in northern Luxembourg.
Q: What is the administrative capital of the canton of Clervaux?
A: Clervaux is the administrative capital of the canton of Clervaux.
Q: In which valley is the city of Clervaux located?
A: Clervaux is located in the valley of the Clerve river.
Q: What is the Natural Park of the Our?
A: The Natural Park of the Our is a park that Clervaux is a part of.
Q: What is the Luxembourgish name for Clervaux?
A: The Luxembourgish name for Clervaux is Klierf.
Q: What is the German name for Clervaux?
A: The German name for Clervaux is Clerf.
Q: What location is Clervaux situated in?
A: Clervaux is situated in northern Luxembourg.