What are the coordinates of Clervaux?
Q: What are the coordinates of Clervaux?
A: The coordinates of Clervaux are 50°04′N 6°02′E / 50.067°N 6.033°E / 50.067; 6.033.
Q: What language is spoken in Clervaux?
A: Luxembourgish is spoken in Clervaux.
Q: What is the capital city of the canton of Clervaux?
A: The capital city of the canton of Clervaux is also called Clervaux.
Q: How many cantons does Luxembourg have?
A: Luxembourg has twelve cantons in total, including the canton of Clervaux.
Q: Is there a river running through the town of Clervaux?
A: Yes, there is a river called the Sûre that runs through the town of Clervaux.
Q: Does Luxembourg have an official language?
A: Yes, Luxembourg has three official languages - French, German and Luxembourgish - with French being predominant in government and administration use while German and Luxembourgian are spoken by most people living in Luxembourg.