What is a clam?
Q: What is a clam?
A: A clam is a type of shellfish that can be found in both saltwater and freshwater.
Q: What phylum does a clam belong to?
A: A clam is part of the phylum Mollusc.
Q: Where can clams be found?
A: Clams can be found in the ocean, as well as some lakes, streams, and rivers.
Q: Do all clams live attached to rocks?
A: No, clams for cooking do not live attached to rocks.
Q: What do clams eat?
A: Clams eat plankton and are eaten by small sharks and squid.
Q: How do clams hide?
A: Clams have a burrowing foot that they use to dig down into the sand or mud to hide.
Q: Why are living freshwater clams useful in fish tanks?
A: Living freshwater clams can work like a filter in fish tanks to keep the water clean.