What is cladding?

Q: What is cladding?

A: Cladding is placing one type of thing on top of another in a layer to make something like a skin.

Q: What is the purpose of cladding?

A: Cladding can protect whatever is underneath from the weather or it may make it look beautiful.

Q: What is rainscreen cladding?

A: Rainscreen cladding is one form of weather cladding that protects things from rainwater and keeps it from getting too hot or cold.

Q: Does cladding need to be waterproof?

A: Not necessarily. Some cladding only makes the rainwater or wind flow another way to control run-off.

Q: How can cladding control water run-off?

A: Rainscreen cladding can make water on a rooftop flow away from some parts of the building so the water does not come inside.

Q: What is window capping?

A: Window capping is cladding applied to windows and is a specialized field.

Q: Can cladding stop noise?

A: Yes, cladding may also stop noise depending on the type of material used.

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