What is a cigar?
Q: What is a cigar?
A: A cigar is a form in which tobacco is smoked that is usually larger than a cigarette.
Q: How are cigars made?
A: Cigars are made of different types of tobacco which are cured in many different ways to produce unique flavors and fragrances. Most quality cigars are rolled using a tobacco leaf.
Q: Are all cigars rolled using tobacco leaf?
A: No, more and more cigars have been rolled using different types of paper to replace the tobacco leaf, resulting in a cleaner looking cigar.
Q: How are commercially produced cigars made?
A: Commercially produced cigars are rolled and packed using machinery which can pose quality control and smokeability issues.
Q: Why are hand rolled cigars considered the best option?
A: Hand rolled cigars prove to be the best option but are more costly.
Q: What country is known worldwide for their cigars?
A: Cuba is known worldwide for their cigars.
Q: In addition to Cuba, which other countries produce cigars?
A: Many other countries produce cigars, most notably in the Central America and Caribbean island areas.