What is Chula Vista?

Q: What is Chula Vista?

A: Chula Vista is a city located between San Diego Bay and coastal mountain foothills in California.

Q: What is the meaning of Chula Vista?

A: The meaning of Chula Vista is "beautiful view" in Spanish.

Q: Where is Chula Vista located?

A: Chula Vista is located in California, in the San Diego metropolitan area.

Q: What is the size of Chula Vista?

A: Chula Vista is the second largest city in the San Diego metropolitan area and the 7th largest city in Southern California.

Q: What is the scenic location of Chula Vista?

A: Chula Vista has a scenic location between the San Diego Bay and coastal mountain foothills.

Q: What is the meaning of the name Chula Vista in Spanish?

A: The meaning of the name Chula Vista in Spanish is "beautiful view."

Q: What is the rank of Chula Vista among the cities in Southern California?

A: Chula Vista is the 7th largest city in Southern California.

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