What is Chahar Cheragh Square?
Q: What is Chahar Cheragh Square?
A: Chahar Cheragh Square is a well-known square located in the center of Mahabad, Iran.
Q: What does the name "Chahar Cheragh" mean?
A: It means "Square of the four candles" in Persian.
Q: What happened in Chahar Cheragh Square after the Iranian invasion in 1947?
A: After the Iranian invasion in 1947, Qazi Muhammad, the president of Republic of Mahabad, and other leaders of the republic in Mahabad and Bukan were publicly hanged in Chahar Cheragh Square.
Q: What is the current name of Chahar Cheragh Square?
A: The current official name of Chahar Cheragh Square is Shardari Square.
Q: Is Chahar Cheragh Square an important historical site in Mahabad?
A: Yes, Chahar Cheragh Square is one of the oldest places in Mahabad city and has significant historical significance due to the events that occurred there after the Iranian invasion.
Q: Why did 50,000 people protest in Chahar Cheragh Square in 2005?
A: According to the Kurdistan Democratic Party of Iran, the protest was against the Iranian government due to the death of Shivan Qaderi.
Q: What is the Kurdish name for Chahar Cheragh Square?
A: The Kurdish name for Chahar Cheragh Square is "Chwar Chira".