What is Christianity?

Q: What is Christianity?

A: Christianity is the largest world religion by number of followers (around 2.4 billion). It is an Abrahamic monotheistic religion, meaning it has only one God. It has its roots in Judaism and is based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.

Q: Who was Jesus?

A: To most of the people of his time, Jesus was a preacher, teacher, healer, and prophet from ancient Judea. However, his disciples believed him to be much more than that: they believed that Jesus was God's one and only son who was sent down to Earth to die on a cross for their sins. The man said to be his father, Joseph, was a carpenter.

Q: How did Jesus die?

A: Jesus was executed by being nailed to a cross (or crucified) under Pontius Pilate, the local Roman governor at the time.

Q: What do Christians believe about Jesus?

A: Christians believe Him to be the Son of God. They believe that He suffered and died to free humans from their sin and was later raised from the dead before going up into Heaven. At the end of time, they also believe that he will come back to Earth to judge all mankind giving everlasting life to those who believe in him.

Q: What does Christianity have in common with other religions?

A: Just like Judaism and Islam, Christianity is an Abrahamic religion which means it has only one God as its core belief system.

Q: When did Christianity become popular?

A: Christianity started out as a Jewish sect in the eastern Mediterranean but quickly grew in number of believers over a few decades becoming dominant by 4th Century in Roman Empire with Armenia being first nation officially adopting it as its official religion followed by Kingdom of Aksum becoming first empire doing so too during Middle Ages when rest of Europe mostly became Christianized too . Following Age Of Discovery through missionary work & colonization ,it spread across Africa ,Americas & rest Of World .

Q: How many followers does Christianity have today ?

A: As Of Early 21st Century ,Christianity Has Approximately 2 .2 Billion Followers

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