Who was Thomas Peter Thorvald Kristian Ferdinand Mortensen?

Q: Who was Thomas Peter Thorvald Kristian Ferdinand Mortensen?

A: Thomas Peter Thorvald Kristian Ferdinand Mortensen was a Danish-born American supercentenarian who lived to the age of 115 years and 252 days.

Q: What record did Mortensen hold?

A: Mortensen held the record for being the oldest man ever who was born in Europe and the oldest white man ever. He was also considered as the oldest validated man ever after Shigechiyo Izumi's age record was debunked and removed by the Guinness World Records.

Q: How long did Mortensen's male human longevity record stand?

A: Mortensen's male human longevity record stood for close to 15 years before being surpassed in age by Jiroemon Kimura of Japan in December 2012.

Q: What was unique about Mortensen's emigrant status?

A: Mortensen was the oldest known emigrant until Italian-American woman Dina Manfredini narrowly outlived him by just 5 days in December 2012, only 2 weeks before Jiroemon Kimura would break his male longevity record.

Q: What records exist for Mortensen's life?

A: Besides his baptismal record, other records include the 1890 and 1901 census enumerations in Denmark, and church confirmation in 1896.

Q: When was Mortensen baptized?

A: Mortensen was baptized on December 26, 1882, in Fruering Church.

Q: When was the period of time when Mortensen was the world's oldest validated living man?

A: Mortensen was the world's oldest validated living man between January 20, 1994, and April 25, 1998.

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