When was Christian Heinrich Friedrich Peters born?

Q: When was Christian Heinrich Friedrich Peters born?

A: Christian Heinrich Friedrich Peters was born on September 19, 1813.

Q: Who did he study under?

A: He studied under Carl Friedrich Gauss.

Q: Where did he travel before going to the United States?

A: Before going to the United States in 1854, he traveled to Italy and Ottoman Turkey.

Q: How many asteroids did he discover?

A: He discovered 48 asteroids, beginning with 72 Feronia in 1861 and ending with 287 Nephthys in 1889.

Q: What was the "Great Star-Catalog Case" that went before the Supreme Court of New York?

A: The "Great Star-Catalog Case" was a legal dispute between Peters and his old assistant Charles A. Borst which went before the Supreme Court of New York in 1889.

Q: What other astronomical discoveries is Peters known for besides asteroids?

A: Besides asteroids, Peters co-found Periodic comet 80P/Peters-Hartley, and also found different nebulae and galaxies.

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