What is chlorophyll?

Q: What is chlorophyll?

A: Chlorophyll is a pigment that gives plants their green colour. It is a chemical in the chloroplasts of plants which allows them to absorb and use light for photosynthesis.

Q: How does chlorophyll help plants?

A: Chlorophyll helps plants by allowing them to absorb and use light for photosynthesis, which produces glucose with lots of stored energy. This energy can then be used when the plant grows or repairs damage.

Q: What color does chlorophyll make the stem and leaf of a plant?

A: Chlorophyll makes the stem and leaf of a plant green.

Q: What part of the electromagnetic spectrum does chlorophyll absorb most strongly?

A: Chlorophyll absorbs light most strongly in the blue portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, followed by the red portion.

Q: When was chlorophyll first isolated?

A: Chlorophyll was first isolated in 1817.

Q: Where is chlorphyll found?

A: Chlorphyll is found in almost all plants, algae, and cyanobacteria.

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