Who was Chitetsu Watanabe?
Q: Who was Chitetsu Watanabe?
A: Chitetsu Watanabe was a Japanese farmer and supercentenarian.
Q: What is the birthdate of Chitetsu Watanabe?
A: Chitetsu Watanabe was born on March 5, 1907.
Q: What is the nationality of Chitetsu Watanabe?
A: Chitetsu Watanabe was Japanese.
Q: What was the age of Chitetsu Watanabe at the time of his death?
A: Chitetsu Watanabe died at the age of 112 in February 23, 2020.
Q: What was the profession of Chitetsu Watanabe?
A: Chitetsu Watanabe was a farmer.
Q: Was Chitetsu Watanabe one of the oldest living people in the world?
A: Yes, Chitetsu Watanabe was one of the oldest living people in the world.
Q: Did Chitetsu Watanabe make any significant contributions to Japanese society?
A: There is no information available that suggests Chitetsu Watanabe made any significant contributions to Japanese society.