What is chemical kinetics?
Q: What is chemical kinetics?
A: Chemical kinetics, also called reaction kinetics, is the study of how fast chemical reactions go and how different conditions such as temperature, pressure or solvent used affect the speed of a reaction.
Q: What does collision theory state?
A: Collision theory states that for a reaction to happen, the molecules must hit each other. Ways of increasing the speed of the reaction must therefore increase the number of hits.
Q: How can you calculate reaction rates?
A: With experiments it is possible to calculate reaction rates from which you can get rate laws and rate constants.
Q: What is a rate law?
A: A rate law is a mathematical expression with which you can calculate the speed of a reaction given the concentration of the reagents.
Q: How can you increase the speed of a reaction?
A: The speed of a reaction can be increased by increasing the number of collisions between molecules. This can be done in many ways such as changing temperature, pressure or solvent used.
Q: What are transition states?
A: Transition states are intermediate stages in chemical reactions that occur when reactants form products and energy is released or absorbed during this process.