What is chemistry education?
Q: What is chemistry education?
A: Chemistry education is the study of the teaching and learning of chemistry.
Q: What are the topics in chemistry education?
A: The topics in chemistry education include understanding how students learn chemistry and how best to teach chemistry.
Q: What is the objective of researchers in chemistry education?
A: The objective of researchers in chemistry education is to improve learning results by improving teaching methods and training chemistry teachers.
Q: Which teaching methods do researchers in chemistry education study?
A: Researchers in chemistry education study many teaching modes, including: classroom lecture, demonstrations, and laboratory activities.
Q: Why is there a shortage of chemistry teachers?
A: There is a shortage of chemistry teachers because people with science training can get jobs that pay more outside of teaching.
Q: What is the consequence of this shortage of science teachers?
A: The consequence of this shortage of science teachers is that more than 45,000 math and science teachers left teaching in the United States just after the 1999-2000 school year.
Q: How do researchers in chemistry education help in addressing this issue of shortage of science teachers?
A: Researchers in chemistry education try to address this issue of shortage of science teachers by exploring ways to improve teaching methods and training chemistry teachers to retain them in the field.