Where is Château-Arnoux-Saint-Auban Airport located?

Q: Where is Château-Arnoux-Saint-Auban Airport located?

A: Château-Arnoux-Saint-Auban Airport is located in the departement of Alpes-de-Haute-Provence in the region of Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, 4 km south-west of Château-Arnoux-Saint-Auban.

Q: What is the ICAO code for Château-Arnoux-Saint-Auban Airport?

A: The ICAO code for Château-Arnoux-Saint-Auban Airport is LFMX.

Q: What is the École nationale de l'aviation civile?

A: The École nationale de l'aviation civile is a French civil aviation university.

Q: Where is the campus of the École nationale de l'aviation civile located?

A: The campus of the École nationale de l'aviation civile is located on the aerodrome of Château-Arnoux-Saint-Auban Airport.

Q: What kind of aviation education is provided by the École nationale de l'aviation civile?

A: The École nationale de l'aviation civile provides civil aviation education.

Q: Is Château-Arnoux-Saint-Auban Airport only used for educational purposes?

A: It is not clear if Château-Arnoux-Saint-Auban Airport is only used for educational purposes, as the text does not provide this information.

Q: How far is Château-Arnoux-Saint-Auban Airport from Château-Arnoux-Saint-Auban?

A: Château-Arnoux-Saint-Auban Airport is located 4 km south-west of Château-Arnoux-Saint-Auban.

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