What is the meaning of the word "Cephas"?
Q: What is the meaning of the word "Cephas"?
A: Cephas is a Greek name meaning "rock".
Q: How is Cephas used?
A: Cephas can be used as a given name, surname, or title.
Q: Who was known as Cephas in the Bible?
A: In the Bible, Simon Peter was referred to by Jesus as "Cephas".
Q: Is there any other use for Cephas?
A: Yes, it can also refer to various places and people throughout history.
Q: Where does the term “Cephas” come from?
A: The term “Cephas” comes from the Greek language.
Q: Are there any variations of this name? A: Yes, some variations include Kefas and Kifah.