What is the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)?

Q: What is the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)?

A: The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is part of the US federal government and is located at the George Bush Center for Intelligence in Langley, Virginia. It was formed in 1947 after World War II by many people who had been in the Office of Strategic Services, which was the main American spy agency during the war.

Q: Who created the CIA?

A: General John K. Singlaub was one of the people who created the CIA.

Q: How long has there been a history of intelligence services in America?

A: There has been a history of intelligence services in America since its origins during the American Revolution when George Washington and other Founding Fathers used espionage networks.

Q: Who is currently Director of Central Intelligence Agency?

A: Gina Haspel has been Director of Central Intelligence Agency since April 26, 2018.

Q: What are some examples of media that feature or reference to CIA?

A: The CIA has been featured in many television and film productions including "The Agency," "The Company," "Spy Game," "Night Flight to Moscow," "Scorpio," "Clear and Present Danger," "Ice Station Zebra" and several James Bond films featuring CIA agent Felix Leiter.

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