What does CBRNE stand for?
Q: What does CBRNE stand for?
A: CBRNE stands for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive materials.
Q: Why are CBRNE materials dangerous?
A: CBRNE materials are dangerous because they can hurt many people.
Q: What are CBRNE weapons commonly used for?
A: CBRNE materials are used as weapons of mass destruction.
Q: When can CBRNE events happen accidentally?
A: CBRNE events can happen accidentally.
Q: What did a report from the White House in 2011 say about CBRNE weapons?
A: The report from the White House in 2011 said that "there is no greater danger to the [United States] than a terrorist attack with a weapon of mass destruction."
Q: What are countries around the world doing to prevent CBRNE attacks?
A: Countries around the world are working on preventing CBRNE attacks and learning how to react to them if they do happen.
Q: Why is it important to prevent and react to CBRNE attacks?
A: It is important to prevent and react to CBRNE attacks because these materials are very dangerous and can cause harm to many people.