Who was Cassandra in Greek mythology?
Q: Who was Cassandra in Greek mythology?
A: Cassandra was the daughter of King Priam of Troy and Hecuba, and twin sister of Helen. She was famous for her prophesies of bad events.
Q: What gift did the god Apollo give to Cassandra?
A: Apollo gave Cassandra the gift of prophecy so that she would love him.
Q: Why was Apollo angry with Cassandra?
A: Apollo was angry with Cassandra because she did not want to love him.
Q: What did Apollo change about his gift to Cassandra?
A: Apollo made it that Kassandra could only foresee bad things, and that no one would ever believe her.
Q: What did Cassandra know about the Trojan War?
A: Cassandra knew of the trick with the Trojan Horse.
Q: Why was Cassandra unable to prevent the destruction of Troy?
A: No one believed Cassandra's prophecy about the Trojan Horse, so she was unable to prevent the destruction of Troy.
Q: What happened to Cassandra after the Trojan War?
A: After the Trojan War, Cassandra became a slave of Agamemnon. She warned him that his wife Klytaimnestra would kill him, but he did not believe her. As a result, Agamemnon was killed, and Cassandra shortly after him.