Who was Count Kazimierz Michał Władysław Wiktor Pułaski?

Q: Who was Count Kazimierz Michał Władysław Wiktor Pułaski?

A: Count Kazimierz Michał Władysław Wiktor Pułaski of Ślepowron coat of arms, also known as Casimir Pulaski, was a Polish nobleman, soldier and military commander who has been called "the father of the American cavalry".

Q: What did he do for the Bar Confederation?

A: He was one of the leading military commanders for the Bar Confederation and fought against Russian domination of the Commonwealth.

Q: How did he become involved in the American Revolutionary War?

A: Following a recommendation by Benjamin Franklin, Pulaski emigrated to North America to help in the cause of the American Revolutionary War.

Q: What is his most notable accomplishment?

A: His most notable accomplishment is when he saved George Washington's life during battle.

Q: What did he create during his time in America?

A: During his time in America, he created both the Pulaski Cavalry Legion and American cavalry.

Q: How did he die?

A: He died at Battle of Savannah while leading a daring charge against British forces after being gravely wounded.

Q: How was he honored posthumously?

A: In 2009, he was honored by becoming an honorary U.S. citizen posthumously.

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