What are carnivorous plants?
Q: What are carnivorous plants?
A: Carnivorous plants are plants that get nutrients by trapping and eating animals, usually insects.
Q: Why can carnivorous plants grow in places with thin or nutrient-poor soil?
A: Carnivorous plants can grow in places with thin or nutrient-poor soil because they get some of their food from animals.
Q: Who wrote the first well-known book on carnivorous plants and when was it written?
A: Charles Darwin wrote the first well-known book on carnivorous plants in 1875.
Q: What is true carnivory?
A: True carnivory is the ability of plants to catch animals in order to obtain nutrients.
Q: How many genera and species of carnivorous plants are there?
A: There are more than twelve genera and about 625 species of carnivorous plants.
Q: What are protocarnivorous plants?
A: Protocarnivorous plants are plants that show some but not all of the characteristics of carnivorous plants.
Q: What do carnivorous plants do once they trap their prey?
A: Carnivorous plants produce digestive enzymes and use the nutrients obtained from their trapped prey.