What is the order Carnivora?

Q: What is the order Carnivora?

A: The order Carnivora is a group of mammals that are mostly flesh-eaters, and includes both Feliformia and Caniformia.

Q: What are the two subgroups of Carnivora?

A: The two subgroups of Carnivora are Feliformia and Caniformia.

Q: What is the term used to refer to members of the order Carnivora?

A: The term used to refer to members of the order Carnivora is carnivorans.

Q: Are all animals in the order Carnivora entirely carnivorous?

A: No, many species of Carnivora are actually omnivores, and some like the giant panda, eat mostly plants.

Q: What is the superfamily of aquatic relatives in the order Carnivora?

A: The superfamily of aquatic relatives in the order Carnivora is Pinnipedia.

Q: What types of animals are included in the superfamily Pinnipedia?

A: The superfamily Pinnipedia includes walruses and seals.

Q: Can you give an example of a Carnivora species that eats mostly plants?

A: An example of a Carnivora species that eats mostly plants is the giant panda.

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