Where is Carnarvon located in Western Australia?

Q: Where is Carnarvon located in Western Australia?

A: Carnarvon is located about 900 kilometres north of Perth, Western Australia.

Q: What is the geographical feature of Carnarvon?

A: Carnarvon is at the mouth of the Gascoyne River on the Indian Ocean.

Q: Which famous World Heritage Site is close to Carnarvon?

A: The famous Shark Bay World Heritage Site lies to the south of Carnarvon.

Q: How many people were living in Carnarvon in 2006?

A: In 2006, there were 5,283 people living in Carnarvon.

Q: What is the biggest city located south of Carnarvon?

A: The biggest city south of Carnarvon is Perth, Western Australia.

Q: Is Carnarvon a coastal or an inland town?

A: Carnarvon is a coastal town located at the mouth of the Gascoyne River on the Indian Ocean.

Q: Which ocean is located on the western side of Carnarvon?

A: The Indian Ocean is located on the western side of Carnarvon.

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