What is a Cardinal in the Catholic Church?

Q: What is a Cardinal in the Catholic Church?

A: A Cardinal is a clerical office in the Roman Catholic Church.

Q: What is the role of Cardinals in the Catholic Church?

A: Cardinals are counselors of the pope.

Q: Who granted the use of the red hat to the Cardinals?

A: Pope Innocent IV granted the use of the red hat to the Cardinals.

Q: What does the red hat symbolize for Cardinals?

A: The red hat was a symbol of the Cardinal's readiness to shed their blood in the cause of the church.

Q: When was the red hat granted to the Cardinals?

A: The red hat was granted to the Cardinals in 1245 by Pope Innocent IV.

Q: Why did the Cardinals receive the red hat?

A: The red hat was given to the Cardinals to symbolize their readiness to sacrifice themselves for the church.

Q: Are Cardinals only found in the Catholic Church?

A: No, Cardinals are specific to the clerical office in the Roman Catholic Church.

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