Where is Can Tho located?

Q: Where is Can Tho located?

A: Can Tho is located in the south of Vietnam.

Q: What was the population of Can Tho in 2019?

A: In 2019, Can Tho had a population of about 1.57 million people.

Q: What is Can Tho known for?

A: Can Tho is known for being the biggest city in the Mekong delta.

Q: How far is Can Tho from Ho Chi Minh City?

A: Can Tho is about 160 km away from Ho Chi Minh City.

Q: What was Can Tho called before 1975?

A: Until 1975, Can Tho was named Hau Giang.

Q: Does Can Tho have a university?

A: Yes, there is a university in Can Tho.

Q: What district is Can Tho the capital of?

A: Can Tho is the capital of the district of Can Tho.

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