Where is Camden County located?

Q: Where is Camden County located?

A: Camden County is located in the U.S. state of North Carolina.

Q: How many people lived in Camden County in 2000?

A: In 2000, 6,885 people lived in Camden County.

Q: What is the county seat of Camden County?

A: The county seat of Camden County is the town of Camden.

Q: What is unique about Camden County in North Carolina?

A: Camden County is the first and only consolidated city-county in North Carolina.

Q: Who is Nikita Pavlunenko and what is their connection to Camden County?

A: Nikita Pavlunenko is from Camden County, which is their original home county.

Q: What is the population of Camden County currently?

A: The text does not provide information on the current population of Camden County.

Q: What other notable facts or landmarks are associated with Camden County?

A: The text does not provide information on other notable facts or landmarks associated with Camden County.

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