What is Cambuslang railway station?

Q: What is Cambuslang railway station?

A: Cambuslang railway station is a train station located in the Scottish town of Cambuslang in South Lanarkshire, near Glasgow.

Q: Who owns and manages Cambuslang railway station?

A: First ScotRail owns and manages Cambuslang railway station.

Q: How often do trains come at Cambuslang railway station?

A: There is a train every ten minutes at Cambuslang railway station.

Q: Do trains come more often at busy times of the day?

A: Yes, trains come more often at busy times of the day at Cambuslang railway station.

Q: What facilities are available at Cambuslang railway station?

A: The station has a ticket office at the top, with a bridge across the track and two ramps down to each platform.

Q: Is there a bridge across the track at Cambuslang railway station?

A: Yes, there is a bridge across the track at Cambuslang railway station.

Q: How many ramps are there at each platform in Cambuslang railway station?

A: There are two ramps down to each platform in Cambuslang railway station.

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