What is Calgary Transit?

Q: What is Calgary Transit?

A: Calgary Transit is Calgary's public transit system that operates both buses and light-rail transit trains.

Q: How many buses and trains does Calgary Transit operate?

A: Calgary Transit operates about 1,125 buses and trains.

Q: Who does Calgary Transit serve?

A: Calgary Transit serves Calgary's population of over 1 million.

Q: How are most Calgary Transit vehicles designed?

A: Most Calgary Transit vehicles are designed with three stripes, one light blue, one blue, and one dark blue.

Q: When was the design of Calgary Transit vehicles changed?

A: The design of Calgary Transit vehicles was changed in 2007 to red and grey.

Q: What types of vehicles does Calgary Transit operate?

A: Calgary Transit operates both buses and light-rail transit trains.

Q: What is the significance of the three stripes on Calgary Transit vehicles?

A: There is no significant meaning behind the three stripes on Calgary Transit vehicles - it was simply a design choice.

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