What is Büren District?

Q: What is Büren District?

A: Büren District is a district located in the Swiss canton of Bern.

Q: What is the capital of Büren District?

A: The capital of Büren District is Büren an der Aare.

Q: How many municipalities are in Büren District?

A: There are 14 municipalities in Büren District.

Q: What is the area of Büren District?

A: The area of Büren District is 88 square kilometers.

Q: What is the significance of Büren District's location in the canton of Bern?

A: Büren District is a district located in the Swiss canton of Bern, which means that it is governed by the laws and regulations of the canton of Bern.

Q: What are the main features of Büren District?

A: The main features of Büren District are its 14 municipalities and its capital, Büren an der Aare.

Q: What is the population of Büren District?

A: The population of Büren District is not given in the provided text.

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