What is the Bundessozialgericht?
Q: What is the Bundessozialgericht?
A: The Bundessozialgericht is the German federal supreme court of appeals for social security cases.
Q: When was the Bundessozialgericht created?
A: The Bundessozialgericht was created on 11 September 1954.
Q: What types of cases does the Bundessozialgericht hear?
A: The Bundessozialgericht hears cases about public health insurance, long-term care insurance, pension insurance and occupational accident insurance plans.
Q: How do cases usually reach the Bundessozialgericht?
A: Cases usually start in the Sozialgerichte ("Social Courts"), then the Landessozialgerichte ("Superior State Social Courts"), before they wind up at the Bundessozialgericht.
Q: Where is the Bundessozialgericht located?
A: The Bundesszoaligercht is located in Kassel, Germany.
Q: Who can file a case with the Bundessozailercht?
A: Anyone who has a dispute regarding public health insurance, long-term care insurance, pension insurance or occupational accident insurance plans can file a case with the Bundessozailercht.