What are the BSFA Awards?

Q: What are the BSFA Awards?

A: The BSFA Awards are prizes given every year by the British Science Fiction Association (BSFA).

Q: What kind of works are eligible for the BSFA Awards?

A: Excellent works of science fiction are eligible for the BSFA Awards.

Q: When was the first BSFA Award given?

A: The first BSFA Award was given in 1970.

Q: What is the eligibility period for works to be nominated for a BSFA Award?

A: Prizes are given for works from the year before the award is given.

Q: What categories are included in the BSFA Awards?

A: At first, the award was only for novels. Categories for short works and artwork were added in 1980. Awards for media were given from 1979 to 1992. In 2002, the BSFA Award started to be given for nonfiction too.

Q: Who votes for the BSFA Award nominees and winners?

A: Members of the BSFA vote for the nominees who may win an award and then for the final winners. Recently members of Eastercon also vote.

Q: How often are the BSFA Awards given out?

A: The BSFA Awards are given out every year.

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