What is West Ham United Football Club?

Q: What is West Ham United Football Club?

A: West Ham United Football Club is an English football club that plays in the Premier League.

Q: When was West Ham United Football Club started?

A: West Ham United Football Club was started in 1895.

Q: Where is the home stadium of West Ham United Football Club located?

A: The home stadium of West Ham United Football Club is located in East London and is called the London stadium.

Q: Why is West Ham United Football Club also called "the Hammers" and "the Irons"?

A: West Ham United Football Club is also called "the Hammers" and "the Irons" because it was started in a London Ironworks.

Q: Who are the main rivals of West Ham United Football Club?

A: The main rivals of West Ham United Football Club are Millwall. Other rivals of the club are Tottenham Hotspur, Chelsea, and Arsenal.

Q: Who currently manages West Ham United Football Club?

A: David Moyes currently manages West Ham United Football Club. He was their former caretaker manager for the 2017/18 season in the Premier League.

Q: What league does West Ham United Football Club play in?

A: West Ham United Football Club plays in the Premier League.

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