Who was Tracy D. Terrell?

Q: Who was Tracy D. Terrell?

A: Tracy D. Terrell was an American professor, linguist, and education theorist.

Q: When was Tracy D. Terrell born and when did he pass away?

A: Tracy D. Terrell was born on June 23, 1943, and passed away on December 2, 1991.

Q: What is The Natural Approach?

A: The Natural Approach is a language teaching methodology developed by Tracy D. Terrell and Stephen Krashen.

Q: What is the main idea behind The Natural Approach?

A: The main idea behind The Natural Approach is that learners should be exposed to a lot of language, and that lowering emotional barriers to learning is important.

Q: Who developed The Natural Approach along with Tracy D. Terrell?

A: Stephen Krashen developed The Natural Approach along with Tracy D. Terrell.

Q: What is the focus of The Natural Approach?

A: The focus of The Natural Approach is on exposing learners to a lot of language and lowering emotional barriers to learning.

Q: What is the importance of emotional barriers in language learning according to The Natural Approach?

A: The Natural Approach emphasizes the importance of lowering emotional barriers in language learning because it can help learners feel more comfortable and confident, which can lead to more effective language learning.

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