Who is Tito Ernesto Beltrán?
Q: Who is Tito Ernesto Beltrán?
A: Tito Ernesto Beltrán is a Chilean tenor.
Q: When was Tito Beltrán born?
A: Tito Beltrán was born on July 1, 1965.
Q: Where was Tito Beltrán born?
A: Tito Beltrán was born in Punta Arenas, Chile.
Q: When did Tito Beltrán leave Chile and where did he go?
A: Tito Beltrán left Chile in 1986 to study in Sweden where he lived until he moved back to Chile in the early 2010s.
Q: What operas has Tito Beltrán performed in at the Royal Swedish Opera in Stockholm?
A: Tito Beltrán has performed in the operas La Traviata and Tosca at the Royal Swedish Opera in Stockholm since February 2007.
Q: What was Tito Beltrán sentenced for in October 2008?
A: Tito Beltrán was sentenced to 2.5 years in prison for rape and sexual abuse in October 2008.
Q: When did Tito Beltrán get conditional liberty?
A: Tito Beltrán got conditional liberty in February 2010.