When was Terry Ellis born?

Q: When was Terry Ellis born?

A: Terry Ellis was born on September 5, 1963.

Q: Where was Terry Ellis born?

A: Terry Ellis was born in Houston, Texas, U.S.

Q: What is Terry Ellis known for?

A: Terry Ellis is known for her work as an African-American R&B singer with the quartet En Vogue.

Q: What kind of music has Terry Ellis performed?

A: Terry Ellis has performed R&B music with En Vogue.

Q: What is En Vogue?

A: En Vogue is a quartet that Terry Ellis has worked with as an R&B singer.

Q: What is Terry Ellis's ethnicity?

A: Terry Ellis is an African-American R&B singer.

Q: What is Terry Ellis's full name?

A: Terry Ellis's full name is Terry Ellis.

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