What is the birth name of Sam J. Jones?

Q: What is the birth name of Sam J. Jones?

A: Sam J. Jones was born as Andrew J. Cooper III.

Q: When was Sam J. Jones born?

A: Sam J. Jones was born on August 12, 1954.

Q: For which role is Sam J. Jones most well-known?

A: Sam J. Jones is most well-known for playing Flash Gordon.

Q: What is Sam J. Jones' profession?

A: Sam J. Jones is an American actor.

Q: Did Sam J. Jones appear in the movie Ted?

A: Yes, Sam J. Jones appeared as himself in the movie Ted.

Q: What is the real name of the actor who played Flash Gordon?

A: The real name of the actor who played Flash Gordon is Samuel Jerald Jones.

Q: What is the nickname of Sam J. Jones?

A: Sam J. Jones is often referred to by his initials, S.J.J.

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