What is Safeway, Inc.?
Q: What is Safeway, Inc.?
A: Safeway, Inc. is the third-largest supermarket chain in North America.
Q: How many employees does Safeway, Inc. have worldwide?
A: Safeway, Inc. has around 198,000 employees worldwide.
Q: Does Safeway, Inc. have fuel stations in some of their stores?
A: Yes, Safeway, Inc. has fuel stations in some of their stores.
Q: How do customers receive fuel savings at Safeway, Inc. fuel stations?
A: Customers can use a phone number or club (loyalty) card to receive fuel savings at Safeway, Inc. fuel stations.
Q: Does Safeway, Inc. have ATM machines in their stores?
A: Yes, Safeway, Inc. has a Safeway ATM Network in their stores.
Q: How did Safeway get its name?
A: Safeway got its name from a contest that was held in 1925 to develop a name for the store.
Q: In how many countries does Safeway have stores?
A: Safeway has stores in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, West Germany, Mexico, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.