What league does Port Vale F.C. currently play in?
Q: What league does Port Vale F.C. currently play in?
A: Port Vale F.C. currently plays in Football League Two.
Q: Where is Port Vale F.C. based?
A: Port Vale F.C. is based in Burslem, Staffordshire, one of six towns that make up the city of Stoke-on-Trent.
Q: Who are Port Vale F.C.'s rivals in the city?
A: Port Vale F.C.'s rivals in the city are Stoke City.
Q: What are games between Port Vale F.C. and Stoke City known as?
A: Games between Port Vale F.C. and Stoke City are known as the "Potteries derby".
Q: What other team's games with Port Vale F.C. are called a derby?
A: Crewe Alexandra's games with Port Vale F.C. are also called a derby, although Alex are in south Cheshire.
Q: What is unusual about Port Vale F.C. not being named after a place?
A: It is unusual for English league clubs not to be named after a place, so it is unusual that Port Vale F.C. is not named after a place.
Q: What are the symbols on Port Vale F.C.'s badge?
A: The symbols on Port Vale F.C.'s badge are a bottle kiln and the Stafford knot.