Who was Peter Ellis?

Q: Who was Peter Ellis?

A: Peter Ellis was a childcare worker from New Zealand.

Q: What was Peter Ellis wrongly accused of?

A: Peter Ellis was wrongly accused of child sexual abuse.

Q: Where did Peter Ellis work as a childcare worker?

A: Peter Ellis worked in Christchurch, New Zealand.

Q: When was Peter Ellis convicted?

A: Peter Ellis was convicted in June 1993.

Q: When was Peter Ellis released from prison?

A: Peter Ellis was released from prison in February 2000.

Q: What did the Supreme Court of New Zealand say in October 2022 about Peter Ellis?

A: The Supreme Court of New Zealand said in October 2022 that Peter Ellis had been wrongly accused and cleared him of all charges.

Q: How long did it take for Peter Ellis to be cleared of all charges?

A: It took nearly 30 years for Peter Ellis to be cleared of all charges, as he was accused in 1991 and was cleared by the Supreme Court of New Zealand in 2022.

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