Who is Mbah Gotho?

Q: Who is Mbah Gotho?

A: Mbah Gotho is an Indonesian man who reportedly lived for over 140 years.

Q: When was Mbah Gotho reportedly born?

A: Mbah Gotho was reportedly born on 31 December 1870.

Q: What is the only known proof of Mbah Gotho's age?

A: The only known proof of Mbah Gotho's age is an issued ID card.

Q: Why could Mbah Gotho not remember his date of birth?

A: Mbah Gotho could not remember his date of birth.

Q: What does Mbah Gotho remember about his past?

A: Mbah Gotho remembers the construction of a sugar factory that was built in 1890.

Q: When was Mbah Gotho's birth date put on an ID card?

A: Mbah Gotho's birth date was put on an ID card issued in 2014.

Q: Who was the oldest known person whose age was proven?

A: The oldest known person whose age was proven was Jeanne Calment, who lived to be 122 years old.

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