When was Linda Sembrant born?

Q: When was Linda Sembrant born?

A: Linda Sembrant was born on May 15th, 1987 in Uppsala, Sweden.

Q: What is Linda Sembrant's profession?

A: Linda Sembrant is a Swedish association football defender.

Q: Where does Linda Sembrant play for club football?

A: Linda Sembrant currently plays for Montpellier HSC.

Q: Which national football team does Linda Sembrant play for?

A: Linda Sembrant plays for the Sweden women's national football team.

Q: In which major football events has Linda Sembrant played for Sweden?

A: Linda Sembrant has played for Sweden in the 2011 FIFA Women's World Cup, 2012 Summer Olympics, and the 2015 FIFA Women's World Cup.

Q: What position does Linda Sembrant play in football?

A: Linda Sembrant plays as a defender in football.

Q: What is Linda Sembrant's nationality?

A: Linda Sembrant is of Swedish nationality.

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