Where was Kevin Kampl born?

Q: Where was Kevin Kampl born?

A: Kevin Kampl was born in Solingen.

Q: What kind of sport does Kevin Kampl play?

A: Kevin Kampl is a football player.

Q: What is Kevin Kampl's position on the football field?

A: Kevin Kampl plays as a midfielder.

Q: What team does Kevin Kampl play for?

A: Kevin Kampl currently plays for RB Leipzig in the Bundesliga.

Q: When was Kevin Kampl born?

A: Kevin Kampl was born on October 9, 1990.

Q: What nationality is Kevin Kampl?

A: Kevin Kampl is from Slovenia.

Q: Is Kevin Kampl a professional football player?

A: Yes, Kevin Kampl is a professional football player who currently plays for RB Leipzig in the Bundesliga.

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